Petition on planning finally being presented to Parliament tonight
The Conservative district councillors’ petition on planning is being presented to Parliament by James Arbuthnot, MP this evening viagra 50mg avis.
This petition was announced and circulated by prospective Conservative parliamentary candidate Ranil Jayawardena at the meeting at the Basingstoke Country Hotel in March with James Arbuthnot, MP. The petition continued to be hosted electronically on Ranil Jayawardena’s website but has not been widely publicised since the meeting. Since that March meeting, members of Hook Action Against Overdevelopment have been pushing for the petition to be presented urgently so that it had some chance of being considered in respect of the current planning applications affecting Hook. Now that planning applications for 750+ houses have been approved or are with Hart for consideration, it could be too late for this petition to have any real effect even if it is accepted and acted upon by Parliament.
The petition is said to have attracted more than 250 signatures, most of which might have been from the 350 residents who attended meeting in March at which the petition was circulated.