Objections to West of Hook – Owen’s Farm – Ref 17/02317/out
Please select whichever grounds you wish to object on and rewrite in your own words. There is no need to include all the detail below which is provided for your information. Of course you may also wish include additional comments.
Against Draft New Local Plan and Wishes of Hart Residents and Council
It is against the results of the February 2016 Local Plan consultation that significantly supported a new settlement in preference to urban extensions such as this.
It is against the resulting draft new Local Plan which is centred around a new settlement. Paragraph 118, clearly states that urban extension development is “not considered necessary to meet our need for new homes”.
Does Not Provide a Site for a New Secondary School
The draft new Local Plan is centred around a new settlement. with a designated area for a new secondary school. A new secondary school is essential and this application does not provide it.
On a Greenfield Site
Hart can build sufficient houses on brownfield and already designated greenfield sites.
Building on a greenfield site it is against Saved Policies RUR1, RUR2 and RUR3 of Hart Local Plan 2006. Note that the much smaller Hop Garden application for 48 homes was rejected on these grounds by both Hart and at appeal by Planning Inspectorate. It is also against draft new Local Plan Policy MG5 Development in the Countryside.
In the Hook / Newnham Local Gap
Building in the Hook /Newnham gap is against Saved Policy CON21 of Hart Local Plan 2006. Note that the much smaller Hop Garden application for 48 homes was rejected on these grounds by both Hart and at appeal by Planning Inspectorate. It is also against draft new Local Plan Policy MG6 Gaps between Settlements.
Degrades Recreational Value of Hook / Newnham Footpath
Whilst the applicant intends to keep the footpath that runs through the middle of the site it will be through a housing estate instead of fields.. Para 160 of the draft new Local Plan describing policy MG6 highlights the extra importance of gaps such as this with public rights of way for recreation.
Newnham Road is Unsuitable for Access
The applicant estimates 112% and 108% increase in traffic in Old School Road and 79.9% and 114% in parts of Newham Road. in the morning and evening peak times respectively. He also proposes there be a bus route and Newnham Road narrowed between the development and Seton Drive to include a pavement. Whilst the proposals for buses and pavement are necessary for such a development the cumulative effect is going to make Newnham Road totally unsuitable for the increased traffic.
Hook’s Infrastructure Cannot Cope
The following planning applications in Hook have been granted, North East Hook 550 homes Reading Road 70, Brown Croft 60, Providence House 107. There are also many brownfield applications, office conversions and appeals in the pipeline, e.g. Rawlings site, more at Providence House, Europa House, Bartley House, Taylor Wimpey offices, Virgin offices. If only a fraction of these progress they will add many hundreds more homes. Hook’s infrastructure will have great difficulty coping with this increase in homes and it will be impossible to cope with the further 700 proposed in this application.
The Application is Premature
The applicant claims that there may be problems implementing a new settlement and meeting Hart’s housing target and offers this development as a solution. If there are problems then Hart and not a developer should decide the best alternative way ahead.
Approval Would Undermine Confidence in the Democratic Local Plan Process
People of Hook and Hart have expressed their complete opposition to urban extensions in both Hart consultations and the applicant’s consultation on this proposal. Hart has listened and proceeded with the Local Plan on this basis. If this application is approved there will be complete disillusionment throughout Hart with both Hart DC and the Local Plan process.
It is Not Easy to Implement
The application shows pedestrian access along Owens Farm Lane. Owens Farm Lane is outside the curtilage of the development and not owned by same person as the site. This needs resolving and negates the applicant’s claim that the development will be easy to implement because it is a single owner site.
Old School Road Will Become More Dangerous
Currently people frequently park in Old School Road just before the bend which makes it very dangerous. Increased traffic from this application will make it even more dangerous unless parking restrictions are introduced.
Objections can be submitted on the Hart website at the following link, where the planning application documentation can also be viewed:
Thank you in anticipation of your support.