Hop Garden Road development application received
As expected, the planning application has now been made for the land off Hop Garden Road, previously referred to as “Owens Farm (access via Hop Garden Road)”. The application is for 48 new dwellings, one more than the 47 Charles Church had previously described, with the only access being via Hop Garden Road. This is an outline planning application and the only matters on which comments should be made are the principle of development in this location and the access arrangements. All other matters will be decided by a future full planning application.
The link to the planning application is http://publicaccess.hart.gov.uk/online-applications/applicationDetails.do?activeTab=summary&keyVal=N3R4MSHZGFZ00. As with all applications, there are a large number of planning documents. We are examining the documents and will share any significant findings as they come to light. The deadline for public feedback is 16th May.
It is important that as many people as possible provide feedback to Hart District Council, and this can be done either online or by writing to or emailing the council. It is important to use the reference 14/00867/MAJOR, and to give your name and address in any correspondence. Everyone must submit their own opinions, and Hook Action Against Overdevelopment cannot and should not direct people how to respond.
If you have any problems accessing the Hart website, please let us know and we will try to help.