Sainsbury’s planning application being discussed at Parish Council Planning Meeting this Wednesday

Hook Parish Council will be considering the Sainsbury’s planning application at their Planning Committee meeting on Wednesday 7th August at 8pm in the Community Centre viagra autre produit. This meeting is open to press and public.

If you object to the Sainsbury’s planning application this is a crucial meeting, as Hook Parish Council have not yet formulated their response and have not given any indication whether they support or oppose the application. It is possible that they believe that the majority of Hook residents back the application, based on Sainsbury’s very biased feedback questionnaire questions, so a large turnout from residents who oppose the Sainsbury’s development could make a significant difference to their deliberations. This is the last chance to oppose this development before the planning decision meeting.

There is no opportunity for the public to speak on planning applications but there is an opportunity to speak at the start of the full Parish Council Meeting, directly following the Planning Meeting, under their 10 minute rule. The Community Centre refurbishment is being discussed at the full Parish Council meeting and the Parish Council have submitted a bid to Hart District Council to use the “developer contributions” (S106 money) from future major housing developments in Hook as part-funding for this project. So even before housing development applications have been submitted, the Parish Council is planning (has planned) how to spend the dividend from those developments. It could be a good opportunity to remind them that Hook residents would rather the Parish Council object to planning applications rather than tacitly supporting them in advance in order to receive extra funding.