Fairfields, Owens Farm Lane
Appeal APP/N1730/W/22/3298102 was submitted against Hart District Council’s refusal of planning application Ref:21/02750/FUL to build a four-bedroom dwelling at Fairfields in the Hook/Newnham gap. This application caused significant concern, because while it is for one house, it creates a precedent for further, more significant development in the gap.
The appeal decision is summarised below with reference to the relevant paragraphs.
- Cumulatively, alongside Fairfields, two substantial dwellings would have an unacceptable urbanising effect which would erode the character of the countryside in this location. (para 15).
- The proposal would represent an incremental erosion of the gap between the two settlements. (para 16)
- The proposal would cause harm to the character and appearance of the area and would have an adverse impact upon the Hook to Newnham Local Gap. (para 20)
The decision concludes:
“The development conflicts with the development plan as a whole. There are no material considerations worthy of sufficient weight that would indicate a decision otherwise than in accordance with it. The appeal is therefore dismissed.”
The full appeal decision is at:
This decision was made based on the planning policies in the Hart Local Plan and the Hook Neighbourhood Plan. Such policies are open to interpretation. This decision to refuse a single albeit large house in the Hook/Newnham gap is an interpretation of these policies
Importantly, it can be quoted in the future and undoubtedly strengthens the policies in protecting the gap.
We would like to express sincere thanks to the many people who objected to this application and by doing so, have helped make the gap more secure.