Details of the Planning Inquiry Hearing for Owens Farm / West of Hook
A date has now been set for the hearing of the appeal by Wilbur Developments against the decision by Hart DC to refuse the planning application for 700 dwellings at Owens Farm (aka West of Hook).
The appeal process entails a Public Inquiry held by a Planning Inspector who will then make a recommendation to the Secretary of State for Communities who will decide whether the appeal should be allowed. The Secretary of State is involved due to large size of the proposed development.
The Inquiry will start at 10am on Tuesday 19th March and is expected to sit for 8 days, which will not necessarily be contiguous. The location is the Hart Council Chamber in the Civic Offices, Harlington Way, Fleet GU51 4AE.
To reinforce the strength of feeling from Hook and Newham residents, we would request as many people as possible attend as spectators for at least parts of the inquiry, even if only for an hour or so on the first morning.
As you will recall, Hart DC undertook two public consultations on this application. In response, 841 objections were submitted to the first consultation and 741 to the second. This was a great response and clearly shows the strength of feeling from Hook that this development is not welcomed and not wanted.
HAAO made a comprehensive written response covering all its reasons for refusal of the appeal and will be requesting to speak at the inquiry on several of the topics.
The reference no. for the appeal is APP/N1730/W/18/3206951 and if you want more specific details on the grounds for the appeal, the associated Statement of Case from the developer (Appellants Case document) can be found at:
Thank you very much for your support – hopefully together we can get this refusal upheld.