North East Hook Development Planning Application Live

The planning application for North East Hook has been submitted and is available for inspection and comment. The application reference is 14/00733/MAJOR and the description is

Outline Application for the development of up to 550 residential dwellings on 38.58 ha of land including the demolition of No .1 and No .2 Titchener Farm Cottages, the closure of the existing access from London Road and the creation 3 No. new vehicular accesses (1 from Reading Road, 1 from Griffin Way North and 1 from London Road); the provision of sports pitches, land for a community facility, open space (inc children’s play areas), Suitable Alternative Natural Greenspace (SANG) and sustainable urban drainage systems; and associated landscaping, infrastructure and earthworks. | Land To The North Of London Road Hook Hampshire

So this is an application for up to 50 more houses than specified in the draft Local Plan, which explains why councillors and officers kept referring in debates to this site as “550 houses” even though 550 houses were not mentioned publicly before.

The direct link to the documents page of the application is There are an initial 57 documents to digest. We will be reviewing all of these as soon as we can and will share any findings with you. A development of this magnitude (> 15% increase to dwellings in Hook on this application alone) will affect everyone in Hook, wherever you live, and we would urge you to comment on it whether you are in favour of it or not.